Significant experience and understanding was added through personally appealing two cases against the CRA and winning.
NetEquity Capital Corporation | |
We have a self-reporting tax system where what you file is deemed correct, unless...
The CRA is right, until you show them by your records why what you said was in fact correct.
For investments made in our VCC, the VCC files investment reports with the BC Government which in turn issues a Tax Credit Receipt for you to include with your Income Tax Return.
Should you contribute your investment to an RRSP, the RRSP Trustee will issue you a contribution receipt to include with your Income Tax Return.
The At Risk Rule states that the investor must be at risk, in particular where investments are partially paid for with a Promissory Notes.
GAAR, or General Anti-Avoidance Regulation, is a catch-all provision that allows a tax deduction to be denied if the sole purpose of the investment was Income Tax reduction. In this case, the burden of proof is on the CRA.